Vintage Industrial Style Manually Operational Astrological Planetarium


Industrial-style astrological chart with terrestrial tin litho globe and light feature. Unique piece, closest to a Tellurium, Planetarium or Trippensee in categorization, though lacking (by design, not loss) other planets and the moon.
Both informative as an instructional tool and attractive as a decorative object. Light represents the sun, and the motion (either operational via the hand-crank or by manual manipulation of the world globe) indicates the sun’s relation to earth dependent on time of the year. Dated around 1958 as Ghana, Tanganyika and Union of South Africa are all present.
Impressive objet d’art with warm patina / wear to the blue steel base, zodiac chart, and globe, as shown. Lamp has been rewired and ready for immediate use.
Measures: H: 16″ x L: 27.5″ x D: 10.25″
Globe itself is 3.5″ diameter.